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This ebony mistress wanted her sex friend to explain why he has been performing below par in bed. And when he could not, she rained kicks on his balls and trampled him

Lady Cathy wanted a domination marathon. So she made the slave lick her dirty feet first before making him smell her dirty ass but she spared him stomping under her enormous weight

Lady Cathy takes pleasure in her humiliation of slaves. And she's the best at it. This slave was made to lick her smelly feet and swallow. If he hesitated, she would use her BBW weight instead

Cathy and Cora are at it again. They took their slave and trampled his face with their feet while he struggled to breathe and endure the pain they caused him

Lady Cathy was showing her friend how to torture a slave. She took the slave to the toilet and filled his mouth with toilet paper before slapping him hard

Sandra wanted to pump some sense into this stupid slave's head and she wanted to do it literally with her ass by facesitting on him

Sam is heavy. There is no question about that. But she made sure that her slave felt it by trampling and stomping on his body with her shoes

Cathy is a BBW giantess who likes to destroy things with her big round ass. Today she was destroying some of her niece's dolls and toys which were in her house

These mistresses want to cash in on their weight. They are overweight and they make a few videos for those people with a fetish for bbw and wait to reap the benefits

Cathy was tired of torturing single slaves so she got a lady slave and a guy slave and tortured them. She made her lick her dirty and smelly feet while she used him as a foot rest

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